Frequent question: Do you massage your neck up or down?

Should you massage your neck up or down?

Massage the side of your neck to lower or prevent the swelling in your face and neck. This massage helps stimulate (pump) the vessels at the side of your neck. Do not massage both sides of your neck at the same time if you have radiation treatment.

Which direction do you massage your neck?

Shoulder and Neck Massage

  1. Have your friend lean his or her head forward.
  2. Support your friend’s forehead firmly with one of your hands. This lets your friend’s neck muscles relax.
  3. With the thumb and first finger of your other hand, make tiny circles at the base of the skull.
  4. Gently squeeze the entire back of the neck.

Do you massage upwards or downwards?

Always stroke upwards toward the heart to enhance circulation. Try to keep your hands in contact with person’s leg throughout the massage. Avoid using a lot of pressure on areas where the bones are close to the surface, such as the knee.

How can I make my neck attractive?

Some people want to have a thicker neck purely for aesthetic reasons. They like the way it looks and find it attractive.

Neck flexion

  1. Stand up tall with a straight spine.
  2. Slowly bend your head downward.
  3. Try to bring your chin in to touch your chest.
  4. Keep your mouth closed.
  5. Return to the starting position.

¿Cómo deshacerse de un cuello rígido en 10 segundos?

Para causas menores y comunes de dolor de cuello, pruebe estos remedios simples:

  1. Aplique calor o hielo en el área adolorida.
  2. Tome analgésicos de venta libre, como ibuprofeno o paracetamol.
  3. Manténgase en movimiento, pero evite las actividades de sacudidas o dolorosas.
  4. Haga ejercicios lentos de rango de movimiento, hacia arriba y hacia abajo, de lado a lado y de oreja a oreja.

¿Dónde no puedo masajear?

Algunas áreas vulnerables del cuerpo quedan expuestas durante un masaje.

Evite los siguientes puntos de vulnerabilidad:

  • Frente del cuello/garganta: Has oído hablar de la expresión, «Ve por la yugular», ¿verdad?
  • Lado del cuello: no es tan sensible como la parte delantera del cuello, pero aun así debes tratarlo con cautela.